02:13Episode 1
01- Concealed Carry- Overview
Episode 1
10:42Episode 2
02- Concealed Carry- Nomenclature
Episode 2
06:10Episode 2
03- Concealed Carry- Safety
Episode 2
08:43Episode 4
04- Concealed Carry- Legalities
Episode 4
Go over the 3 main legal doctrines (castle, duty to retreat, no legal duty to retreat), permit types, where to find their state's information, places they are not allowed to carry (discuss leave in vehicle)
05- Concealed Carry- Mindset and Script Training
Episode 5
Discuss how proper control of their fear response is necessary for carrying by explaining how the body reacts to threats and how to train a controlled and safe response.
Discuss neuroplasticity and how training through scripting allows you to change the way the brain responds. -
07:38Episode 6
06- Concealed Carry- Carry Options
Episode 6
Discuss the high level common options for women when it comes to concealed carry: IWB, hip pack/sling pack, off body in purse, and discuss some instances in which one or the other might be more feasible-give examples.
07- Concealed Carry- Securing and Staging
Episode 7
How to keep it secure + staged when home and away from home.
04:11Episode 8
08- Concealed Carry- Holster Options
Episode 8
Discuss clips,and show a variety of outfits that can be accommodated through each clip/method.
07:00Episode 9
09- Concealed Carry- On Body Carry
Episode 9
08:23Episode 10
10- Concealed Carry - Off-Body Carry
Episode 10
11- Concealed Carry- Pregnancy Considerations
Episode 11
Discuss the unique considerations for carrying when pregnant and show examples of modifications to account for a growing belly. Touch on any common safety concerns often posed such as lead exposure.
12- Concealed Carry - Plus-Sized Considerations
Episode 12
02:37Episode 13
13- Concealed Carry - Concealment in Pants
Episode 13
14- Concealed Carry- Concealment in Athleticwear
Episode 14
15- Concealed Carry - Concealment in Dresses
Episode 15
01:13Episode 16
16- Concealed Carry - Closing
Episode 16